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We are pleased to announce that we have three courageous fathers from the parish who have accepted our invitation to speak on ‘Faith and Fatherhood in Today’s Secular World’ at the Men’s Breakfast this year. Each of these men will bring different perspectives on faith, parenting and their hopes for their sons, daughters and grandchildren. Some of you will know these men as all three are members of the Ipswich Catholic Community.

  • Tom Hutton a father of three sons as well as enjoying the company of his grandchildren in his spare time.
  • Anthony Elmore who is Deputy Principal of St Peter Claver College who brings the perspective of working in a high school environment and balancing his time with his wife, two daughters and a son.
  • Benjamin Leschke brings to us his experience of balancing his faith while working in the secular world and meeting the needs of his two teenage children and a five year old boy.

We hope you will join us for breakfast on the 21st October from 7-00am in St Mary’s Primary School Hall, Mary Street, Ipswich where you will enjoy a cooked breakfast, juice, a hot cuppa and endless conversation.

The cost for the breakfast is $15-00 per person and excess monies from the breakfast will go towards children’s and youth activities conducted in the Ipswich Catholic Community. For bookings please phone the parish office by the 17th October.

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