RCIA 2018 – Information Evening
September 14, 2017 @ 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Each year the parish receives many enquiries from adults seeking or discerning the possibility of being welcomed into the Catholic Faith through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion. This decision can be one of the many highlights of a person’s life and members of the Ipswich Catholic Community have had the pleasure of walking this journey with many candidates who have been welcomed into the faith community.
If you know of someone who has asked questions, enquired or interested in the Catholic faith then invite them to attend an enquiry night which will be held on Thursday 14th September at 7.00pm in St Mary’s Parish Centre. This evening is also opened to parishioners who would like to learn a little more about the process of becoming a Catholic when you are an adult.
Please phone the Parish office on 3281 2133 to register your interest.