
Entering into marriage is one of the biggest decisions anybody makes in his or her lifetime. The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony binds a man and women to a partnership for their whole life. Marriage is indissovable in the same way that Christ and His Church are indissolvable. This covenant has been raised by Christ to a sacrament of the Church. To start the process please contact us on (07) 3362 8765 or by selecting the ‘enquire about marriage’ link below. Information below has been taken from the website of the Archdiocese of Brisbane. For further information, please select the ‘more information’ link below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do We Need to Do?

If you decide to marry in a Catholic church, the first step is to contact us at least six months before the wedding date. When we meet with you, both of you will need to provide your Birth Certificate, your Baptismal Certificate, and evidence of Death or Annulment if you have been married before.

It is the responsibility of the celebrant to ascertain that a couple is free to marry. This may involve considerations of church law as well as secular law. In some situations, evidence of death or annulment or other documentation may be required. The priest does not charge to officiate at a wedding, but it is usual to offer our Community suitable remuneration. The celebrant will also provide you with information on charges for the use of the church and on local arrangements for music, flowers and photos at the wedding ceremony.

What if a Catholic is Marrying a Person Who is Not a Catholic?

When a Catholic marries a Christian from another Church or a non-Christian in a Catholic church, the celebrant is required to complete an application for the necessary permission or dispensation. Catholic partners are asked to promise to do all in their power to share their faith with their children by having them baptised and brought up in the Catholic Church. The Catholic party must inform the other partner of this promise and sign the declaration. No promise is required of the other partner.

The minister of the non-Catholic partner may be invited to participate in the celebration of the marriage in a Catholic church, for example, by reading from the Scriptures, leading a prayer, or blessing the couple. Sometimes a Catholic will want to get married in another Christian church or outside a church. When there is sufficient reason, such a marriage for a Catholic may be recognised by the Catholic Church. This is a possibility you should discuss with us.