Social action within the community should always have the common good in mind and conform with the message of the Gospel and teachings of the Church. “It is the role of the laity ‘to animate temporal realities with Christian commitment, by which they show that they are witnesses and agents of peace and justice”
Catechism of the Catholic Church – Paragraph 2442.
Being Christ’s hands and feet is no easy task and we cannot do it alone. Being committed to community ensures that we go out into the work with like-minded people to serve. We have a number of ministries that parishioners can engage with to bring justice and aid to our community.
Hands and Feet of Christ
One of the most importand responsibilities of a Christian is to be Christ’s hands and feet. Living this out in our everyday lives seems simple, however putting it into practice can be quite daunting. We have two programs that we are building to ensure our community is supported when taking up this responsibility. Social justice needs to be active, focused on the community around us, and supportive of the social teachings of the Church.
Hands of Love and Feet of Action organises and developes relationships with local leaders to address community issues and needs.
Hands of Love focusses on helping others in need to allow them to be brothers and sisters in Christ. Some of the ways we can assist those is need are outlined below:
- Volunteer at a charity
- Tutor children
- Assist women who face a difficult or unplanned pregnancy
- Participate in a community clean-upprogram
- Donate to food pantries and clothing closets
- Donate to a community development program
- Participate in an immersion program
Feet of Charity focusses on setting foundations that are maintainable and for the good of the community. Some of the wats we can uphold Church social teaching are outlined below:
- Work to improve the education system
- Extend legal protection to unborn children
- Support environmental protection laws
- Promote peace
- Advocate for international assistance to refugees
- Online petitions to uphold Church social teaching