
Having a sacramental life is central to who we are and celebrating the sacraments through our liturgy ensures that we have a full, active and conscious participation. The Second Vatican Council upholds that “…every liturgical celebration, because it is an action of Christ the priest and of His Body which is the Church, is a sacred action surpassing all others; no other action of the Church can equal its efficacy by the same title and to the same degree.

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy – Paragraph 7

What is liturgy?

The liturgy is an important part of being Catholic. Liturgy simply means the public worship of the Church. This includes the celebration of the sacrament and sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist and the celebration of the other sacraments of the Church. This liturgy is seen by most as Sunday Mass or weekday Mass, however is also includes the Liturgy of the Hours (or Divine Office), which is a set formula for daily prayer (hymns, psalms, readings, prayers) recited at different parts of the day. Although the Liturgy of the Hours is traditionally prayed by clergy, a large number of lay faithful follow this daily formula for prayer in their personal lives at home.

The ‘Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy‘, one of the documents of the Second Vatican Council teaches us that “…it is through the liturgy, especially the divine Eucharistic Sacrifice, that ‘the work of redemption is exercised.’ The liturgy is thus the outstanding means by which the faithful can express in their lives, and manifest to others, the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church.”

How can you participate?

Visitors to the Ipswich Catholic Community regularly comment that we have vibrant Masses and beautiful liturgies. Some of our visitors are even previous students from our primary schools and secondary colleges and previous parishioners. They regularly comment that they wish they could participate in our community every week. This type of feedback means a lot to us.

Our community also has dozens of parishioners involved in liturgical ministry across each of our Mass Centres every weekend. They include altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, hospitality ministers, sacristans, music ministry, and many others. Every Sunday these parishioners help bring others to Christ through how we celebrate the Word of God and the Eucharist. Our uplifting Liturgies come from an understanding that all members of our community take their role as a member of the assembly seriously. As Christians, we are called to be Christ to others. We are called to be of service, and this attitude is required of us at liturgy.

We welcome everyone to help take part in our liturgy in a more active way. There are many ministries we have that help our liturgy come alive each week. We are sure there is one right for you. Please speak with us and we will assist you in determining what liturgical ministry you are called to. It is in giving that we receive. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Mass times and locations

Weekday Mass times

7:00am St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, North Ipswich

9:00am Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Leichhardt

9:00am St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Woodend

9:00am St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Woodend

Sacrament of Penance
8:30am Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church, Eastern Heights

9:00am Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church, Eastern Heights

Weekend Mass times

Sacrament of Penance (Saturday)
4:00pm Immaculate Heart Catholic Church, Leichhardt
5:00pm St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Leichhardt

Vigil Mass (Saturday)
4:30pm Immaculate Heart Catholic Church, Leichhardt
5:30pm Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Catholic Church, Eastern Heights
6:00pm St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Woodend

Sunday Mass
7:30am St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, North Ipswich
8:00am St. Brigid’s Catholic Church, Rosewood
8:30am St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Woodend
6:00pm St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Woodend