Home Worship
In the early church, Christians met in their homes to celebrate Mass and hear the good news of the resurrection. Although times have changed and we now have beautiful churches and cathedrals to worship in, Catholics still also worship in their homes. We do so as individuals, families, and as groups of friends. It is important that we don’t just put time aside for God on a Sunday when we visit a church.
As Christians, we are called to daily prayer.Some people think daily prayer is just grace before meals and prayers before bed, however it is not uncommon for Catholics to also have a prayer space of their own in their home, which is used for other types of prayer. A prayer space, or a shelf with some holy items and a candle is quite common in homes and is encouraged. Many people use these spaces to remind them of their mission, light candles for loved ones, share devotions, and pray the rosary or divine chaplet. All of these types of prayers can be done by yourself or with others in the family.

Liturgy of the Hours
The Liturgy of the Hours (or Divine Office), is a set formula for daily prayer (hymns, psalms, readings, prayers) recited at different parts of the day. Although the Liturgy of the Hours is traditionally prayed by clergy, a large number of lay faithful follow this daily formula for prayer in their personal lives at home.

The Most Holy Rosary
The Rosary begins with the Apostles Creed, followed by one Our Father, three Hail Mary’s (for faith, hope, and charity), a Glory Be, and the Fatima Prayer. Next come five mysteries, each consisting of one Our Father, ten Hail Mary’s, a Glory Be, and, if desired, the Fatima Prayers. Conclude with the Hail Holy Queen.

Personal Prayer Space
Having a prayer space at home can enrich your Christian life as a family by creating a visible space for Jesus in your home. This visual reminder allows the family to enter into a closer relationship with Jesus in your home transforming your family’s prayer life.

Daily Family Devotions
Family devotions involve entire households participating in a prayer activity. Traditionally the rosary is prayed in homes more than any other prayer. Other devtions can include children reading bible stories or teenagers reading and reflecting on a scripture passage. There are a lot of resources available for family devotions.

Our Liturgical Seasons
Celebrating the liturgical season at home is important. It may be just exchanging liturgical colours on the dining table, or expanding the Christmas tree to include an advent wreath and candles. Regardless of your tastes, invest in celebrating the liturgy at home with your family.