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2017 Podcasts

On the Road to Emmaus – 3rd Sunday of Easter
“Two of the disciples of Jesus were on their way to a village called Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking together about all that had happened. Now as they talked this over, Jesus himself came up and walked by their side; but something prevented them from recognising him.”
Gospel of Luke 24:13-35

In today’s homily Fr. Stephen expands on the story of Emmaus; the story of doubt to faith, from fear to courage. Our faith becomes real when we meet the risen Christ.

He is Risen! – Sunday of the Resurrection

Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven, exult, let Angel ministers of God exult, let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our mighty King’s triumph!

Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal King, let all corners of the earth be glad, knowing an end to gloom and darkness.

Rejoice, let Mother Church also rejoice, arrayed with the lightning of his glory, let this holy building shake with joy, filled with the mighty voices of the peoples.

Approaching Holy Week – Palm Sunday
“Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, the governor, and the governor put to him this question: Are you the king of the Jews? Jesus replied, it is you who say it..”
Gospel of Matthew 27:11-45

In today’s homily Fr. Peter challenges us to approach Holy Week with a deeper understanding on the sufferings Jesus undertook in his Passion. Christ’s genuine love for us is manifested fully in what is about to happen to Jesus this Easter.

Finding Resurrection this Lent – 5th Sunday of Lent
“There was a man named Lazarus who lived in the village of Bethany with the two sisters, Mary and Martha, and he was ill.”
Gospel of John 11:1-45

In today’s homily Fr. Peter asks us to consider how the resurrection of Lazarus impacts us today. How too can we find our resurrection in Jesus, particularly as we come to the end of this Lenten season as we make our final preparations for Easter.

Finding God’s Invitation this Lent – 4th Sunday of Lent
“As Jesus went along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth.”
Gospel of John 9:1-41

In today’s homily Fr. Peter asks us to consider how God speaks to us. Many people wait for God to speak to them directly and end up frustrated when they don’t hear His voice. Rather, God invites us to participate in our lives by exploring and growing as individuals, which requires a little work from us and for us to open our eyes and see.

Finding Ourselves this Lent – 3rd Sunday of Lent
“Jesus came to the Samaritan town called Sychar, near the land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well is there and Jesus, tired by the journey, sat straight down by the well.”
Gospel of John 4:5-42

In today’s homily Fr. Peter asks us to consider finding ourselves this Lent. As Christ approached the woman at the well, He asked her for a drink, the woman unsure why. Jesus loves is even through our sinfulness, will you drink of the Living Water?

Volunteer Commissioning Mass 2017 – Helping others through Change
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Gospel of Matthew 28:16-20

In this special podcast Fr. Peter discussed the changes in front of our community, and calls out the need for all volunteers to help and encourage others through change. Fr. Peter also recalls how Jesus called upon ordinary people to help change the world. Volunteers within all 4 parishes are called to help each other and the wider community as we continue to build and form the Ipswich Catholic Community.

Finding Happiness this Lent – 2nd Sunday of Lent
“Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone.”
Gospel of Matthew 17:1-9

In today’s homily Fr. Peter asks us to consider what true happiness is. Often we thing of things that make us happy, however is that really true happiness?

Finding Hope this Lent – 1st Sunday of Lent
“Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.”
Gospel of Matthew 4:1-11

In today’s homily Fr. Peter reflects on how Pope Francis approaches the world, and sees hope in a world that seems to be pessemistic and negative.

We are Not Designer Christians – 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Jesus said to his disciples: “No one can be the slave of two maters…”
Gospel of Matthew 6:24-34

In today’s homily Fr. Peter shares a story from his past to illustrate how Christians should prioritise things in their lives, and set their hearts on God alone.

Prior to 2017

Fr. Peter Dillon – St. Patrick Scottsdale Visit 2014
This podcast is Fr. Peter’s homily when he first visited St. Patrick Catholic Community in Scottsdale during 2014.

Fr. Peter Dillon – St. Patrick Scottsdale Visit 2015
This podcast is Fr. Peter’s homily when he visited St. Patrick Catholic Community in Scottsdale during 2015.