Volunteers using Ministry Scheduler Pro

The percentage of volunteers who have successfully logged into the roster portal and activated their profile – 0%

All our Church Communities

The Ipswich Catholic Community offers numerous opportunities for individuals and families to participate in the life of our community while fulfilling the need for lay people to be involved in the life of our local church. Giving our time and talents is what is means to truly be “one body of Christ”. Participation in the liturgy is a common way members of our community enter into a deeper relationship with Christ through the service of others.

We currently have hundreds of individuals who help out in at least one ministry across the community. Co-ordinating this across 4 parishes is quite a job, each parish has its own approach to rostering. As we amalgamate into one parish, we are significantly reducing the work required to manage 4 separate parish rosters.

St. Mary’s Parish came on board around 2 years ago and Leichhardt and North Ipswich have been using part of the new system already. We are excited to give all our volunteers the same opportunity to take more control over their availability, roster and volunteer preferences.  This is just another way our community is working to share each others resources and ideas.

Ministry Scheduler Pro – Video Tutorials

Ministry Scheduler Pro

Using the Web Terminal

Managing your Profile

Using the Mobile App