The Church is defined as the gathering of the people of God or a family of the people of God. As in our various families where everyone; mother, father and children keep the family going smoothly by individually contributing their own bit, we are called to various ministries in the Church so that our family – the church – will not be lacking in anyway.

At this point we remember with a sense of gratitude those who have contributed in one way or the other to the ministries in our Community, but can no longer help because of old age and illness. They are “the jewels in the crown of our Community” and we are very grateful for all that they have given to us. They have inspired us in one way or the other. We are equally grateful to our sisters and brothers who are already involved in some ministries, and through these have been sharing their Time, Talent and Treasure with our Community. May God bless and reward you.

Being involved in ministries is a way of profoundly living out our baptismal vocation in which we are called to be priests, prophets and kings. Ministries help to make us feel that we belong to this community of the people of God which is “essentially a mystery of missionary communion”. It sheds away the spirit of exclusion and breeds the spirit of welcome and active participation. Through this we live out the call of Pope Francis for all the baptised to be “missionary disciples” reaching out and sharing the joy of the gospel through actions.

PLEASE CONSIDER TAKING UP A MINISTRY so that the load of work in our community will be easy and the burden light. As pilgrims and companions in this journey of faith may we happily reach our final goal which is to behold the face of Christ who loves us so much, even to the point of death.

May our commitment and participation in the various ministries in our Ipswich Catholic Community increase our faith and love for Jesus, help us to be united in building a community where love and charity abides, and a Church where all are appreciated and welcomed. Amen!

God’s choicest blessing

Fr. Nicholas Okafor